- Dr. Sebi
We live in a world where our bodies are constantly being bombarded and conditioned with small but significant amount of toxins everyday.
There is a mass amount of man-made toxins within and around us from the toxins in the air, exhaust from cars, in our every day essentials (products) and also in dealing with stress, anxiety, anger and depression which manifests disease and illness within the body.
Cleansing is PARAMOUNT when it comes to healing. These toxic things go right into our bodily systems, affecting the spirit, mind and body.
Overtime these toxins will cause severe inflammation, calcification and mucus in the body, causing a disconnect from our roots and a painful life experience.
The Elixir Herb Shop was created to catapult you to a next level state of living by removing accumulated toxins from the skin, in the body and blood; distress in the entire system, and providing you with a magical feeling everyday!
Our mission is to help your body regain life with our variety of plant based, handcrafted & cruelty free products. 